Achieve your wildest goals.

Personalized approach to destroy procrastination — and win at life.

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Why you’ll love us?

We’ll be your digital accountability partner that encourages, motivates you, and guides you towards your best performance.


You’ll customize it yourself. Push notifications, in-app prompts, visual reminders — whatever works best. For you.


You’ll be able to avoid distractions and set priorities to focus on what matters most, in any given moment.

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You’ll feel the desire to achieve your most ambitious goals. You’ll be determined and confident you can do it.


You’ll remember you’re serving a greater purpose, knowing you provide value to others and the world.

Based on science

We take into account scientifically proven factors that impact people’s motivation, by integrating psychology, behavioral science and gamification.

different factors
success rate
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Regular Checkins

We’ll check in at random but regular intervals to make sure you’re on track and rocking it!

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Work Score

You’ll see your personal work score based on how productive you were in a given period.

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Progress Meter

Your progress towards a bigger goal will be displayed on the dashboard in real time as you work.

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